Death-6 (Final Of Death Series)

human is not ready to die. Now I know why your nation needs bullfights in iberia. Most people are not prepared to die, neither to their own deaths nor to others. They go into shock, their scares explode, death is an unexpected surprise for them. İn the other hand, it should be like that. The death is so smooth and normal. The death such like a drink water or breath for humankind. İt is so normal and usual for human's life. Actually Humankind need see some one's death so wishful and ambitious.

İ just want to tell u some story, very usual story.; during time of turkey's independent war on 1919-1923, the greek army came into and capture one anatolian village. And the villagers became to so submissive. They even helped to greek soldiers with food or something. A little after, when the turkish army came to village and re-capture the village, the youngster began to sing this song;

-Eyy Son of Turk why your voice is not heard. crucifix planted in the pulpit of mosque.

-Kafir Greek has hung a their flag in the mosque. So come, brother, let us be together.

-Let's chase the enemy, the bells silence everywhere. And let's hear the ezan again.

After the youngster told this song according to story, the villager who feed all greeks during war, suddenly started to kill same greek guys. they started to kill them, although they fed the Greeks voluntarily, not from necessity. So i' m pretty sure, there are a lots of story like that around world about, humans so ridiculously ready to kill, they're more prepared than we thought. they simply throw this desire into the subconscious. They hiding. İt makes humankind a monster with their subconscious cause even they cannot recognize themselves properly due to their subconcscious.

İn the other hand, im thinking about death almost everyday. Cause the death is the only reality in the simulation which we are in right now. That's why I keep death in my mind everyday. I carry death in my pocket all the time.

in fact, the death is not worse thing in the life. Not being to live is much more worse than the death. Actually, coral, you know. All beautiful songs cannot be written without death.I'm sure if there was no such thing as death, human wouldn't have produced anything they ever produced. I'm sure if there wasn't death, human wouldn't even fall in love. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have tried to explain myself to you if there wasn't for death. I understand that now, in fact freud is dead. i meant Freud and death have the same meaning. İ meant, they not wanting to fuck each other, but they wish they were afraid to say that '' ahh, i wish i did it. '' Because as you know there is a one certain reality in this fuckin illusion and that name is the death.

For example, you can't cry behind a person who has no benefit on you.If you can cry, make sure you lie cry. Because you know, you're actually crying for yourself, not for the dead. Death is a deception. When a person has nothing left to die, we call it dead.people can also die while they are living. they can even live after death, and even their friends and family may think that they are alive.

as you saw, without freud and death , I could lose my whole life philosophy.The only thing that death cannot tolerate is to choose to keep alive while having the power to kill. Let's remember to foucault. it's not really about making the right decisions. it not important. the hardest thing that, to make an ethical and correct decision while holding power.

I've had something on my mind for weeks.  THE DEATH !!!! Finally i 've found it. The really case wasnt freud directly. Freud is a indrectly way to see to general picture of life. In fact, I'm looking for some truth. As you will appreciate, there must be a truth that makes a person so selfish and evil at general.

About roj and the death; Actually, you are kinda my death. Writing all of these is taking death out of my left pocket and throwing it to the wall. If I hadn't written these, maybe I would have died dying to say ''ahh, i wish i write.''

Anyway, Humankind our real enemies. They are sick. They are always willing to see death subcouciously. Just think, when someone died, suddenly all the people come together and they just giving up with their work, and they just want to observe to someone who is dying. i guess humankind really enjoys to see other's pain. people are happy to see us half-mad and without remedy. i was stayed half crazy enough, and now I choose to live my own life away from all this. Let's let them be half-crazy instead of us. Coral, can we just do what we want without listening to the ridiculous voices in our heads? Ahh, but it is not the pain that creates the writing, but the writer. İsnt it ? So you probably may not believe me in this phase.

Anyway, I just need to rest my computer and get a little freaked out more with alcohol. well think about it, what would we do without computers and internet. We'd fall in love with one of us. we liked people and stories more. We could knew the value of what we lived and what we lived to others.
